SELA’s Middle School offers a private immersion education for students in Grade 6-8


The middle-school level English at SELA program incorporates a variety of fiction and non-fiction reading materials including novels, short stories, poetry, and research strategies. Areas of focus include basic  literary elements, vocabulary development, and reading strategies to help students become competent and confident readers in a variety of genres. In addition, students will respond to literature thoroughly, thoughtfully, and extensively throughout the year. In addition, historical and scientific events are often explored through literature to help foster various cross-curricular applications.


SELA’s Middle School Spanish program expands upon foundational skills in all areas of fluency (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) and applies them practically throughout the year. The Spanish program is based on Nuevas Voces- Lengua Castellana, Proyecto “Saber Hacer” of Santillana Editorial. These books present various thematic progressive works and apply grammatical skills, writing, and reading comprehension in the Spanish language at a higher level. SELA’s Middle School Spanish course is guaranteed to leave students prepared and excited to become global citizens of the world.


The Middle School science program at SELA focuses on creative and experimental learning in a variety of subjects. Students are thoroughly enjoying their shiny new science lab while applying their knowledge to topics such as light and matter, thermal energy, cells and systems of the human body, and plate tectonics. The science curriculum has been adopted and custom formatted to follow a suggested scope and sequence from the new Next Generation Science Standards.


SELA is also a proud home to a unique, custom-created Mandarin program. This course introduces students to more challenging standard Mandarin Chinese language material to establish a solid foundation and conduit for the language overall. Students in this course focus on building on past language exposure to improve speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. In addition, language skills gained in this course support students to deepen participation in other programs and academic activities such as homestays and the Independent Study Project.


SELA’s Middle School math program takes all advanced prerequisite skills and content learned in grades K-5 and applies it to the next level with the heavily researched and nation-wide approved Open Up Resources curriculum. This curriculum focuses on a deeper level of understanding within the realm of mathematics and fosters each students’ ability to communicate mathematical thinking verbally, visually, and in writing. Each unit builds in a hands-on project and real-world application for an extended grasp on content taught within the classroom.

Weekly Specials

SELA’s weekly specials include Physical Education, a History and Culture class with the incorporation of both music and arts, as well as a weekly Scratch and coding lab for all grade levels. This unique blend of intracurricular offerings ensures that students get their exercise, apply all global and linguistic skills artistically and expressively, and experience coding in SELA’s new technology lab weekly.