Language Comprehension
Every subject at SELA begins with building solid foundation progress from simple to sophisticated, thus encouraging students to write and read intelligently while learning the proper comprehension, spelling, and syntax of the language.
SELA expects to have every graduate achieve real fluency in a second language. Because fluency in a second language enhances the ability to learn a third language, K-8th students take a third language, Mandarin (Chinese). SELA students leave with high proficiency in Mandarin and fluency in Spanish. The chart below details the percentage of instruction time by language:
Early Global Curriculum
Aligned with the MA Common Core Standards, our curriculum allows students to create knowledge, as opposed to passively receiving information, and encourages deep learning. SELA’s curriculum gives our students a rich, broad, and balanced learning experience which enables them to grasp the intrinsic fascination of each subject and to understand and communicate this new knowledge in their daily lives. The outcome will expose the cognitive development, self-awareness, self-regulation, internal motivation, empathy, and social skills of our students. Our curriculum is vertically aligned – what students learn in one lesson, prepares them for the next. It is logically sequenced across levels so that students are always building on what they’ve already learned and acquiring skills to prepare them for work that is more challenging. Frequent assessments allow teachers to understand the areas in which our students need to work. We will build a solid foundation for future learning.
Language – Students develop oral expression skills in their target language, along with reading skills including comprehension, literacy and writing.
Mathematics and Cognition – Students understand the relationship between numbers and quantities, measurements, geometry, and use practical mathematical application to solve everyday problems.
Science – Students discover the natural environment around them and begin to explore with curiosity, develop hypotheses, interpret possibilities and solve problems in a group setting.
Social Studies – Students explore the concept of self, family, and community.
Physical Development – Students engage in a variety of movements, to develop both fine and gross motor skills, visual motor coordination, collective play, and recreation.
Art – Students develop artistic expression skills using different materials and colors and begin to understand dramatic and theater art.
Music – Students enhance language skills through songs and repetition and gain appreciation for all forms of art, instruments, and dance.
Autonomy – Students develop self-help skills and independence.
Socio-Emotional Development – Students develop a sense of self and awareness of others through our values-based curriculum and learn to express their needs and feelings in both their native and target language.
Elementary Curriculum
SELA’s Elementary curriculum offers a Spanish language-based education aligned with the MA common core curriculum standards, that prepares students to be eloquent communicators and impactful contributors in a rapidly changing, increasingly global society. Students engage in project-based, experiential, inquiry-based learning, and master a rich curriculum while acquiring the skills to communicate across multiple fields, disciplines, and cultures.
Literacy – Our Spanish and English literacy classes focus on developing literacy skills such as phonetic decoding, increasing semantic, phonetic, and structural skills through conversation, presentation and writing.
Math – Our Math program combines SCRATCH (a programming language developed at MIT) with Robotics labs and other proprietary math curriculum. Students are provided opportunities to approach problems from a variety of angles and participate in thoughtful and varied practice including real world application of skills.
Science – Beginning with the Scientific Method, students explore all science concepts in a hands-on way, through project-based learning. Using this approach, students explore the world around them, applying scientific concepts every day.
History and Social Studies – Students begin by studying maps, graphs, and charts as a way to establish a strong foundation for the subject area. Then, students actively explore the world always connecting it to concrete experiences.
Creative Arts – Students explore various artists, composers, and works of art. They learn to concentrate on the characteristics and differences of paintings, sculptures, artists, and composers and can identify and describe instruments and their sounds.
Mandarin – Starting with the basics, students will begin to speak and acquire vocabulary and then progress to writing with the goal of effectively conversing with each other and their instructor.
Physical Education – Students practice physical fitness and healthy behaviors, geared toward enhancement of gross motor skills, teamwork, and introduction of basic sports techniques. Classes are taught in Spanish, on our outdoor field space or inside our gymnasium.