Welcome to the SELA Parent Association (SEPA)!

Every parent of a SELA student is a member of the Parents Association (SEPA) at SELA. SEPA provides opportunities for parents to connect, communicate, support and participate in the life of the school by contributing their time and talents. 

All parents are encouraged to attend and participate in discussions and decision-making at the Parent Association’s regular monthly meetings.

Get Involved as a SELA Parent!

Studies have shown that parent involvement positively affects student achievement, and it contributes to higher quality education and better performance of schools. 

There are so many ways to get involved as a SELA Parent! Learn more below to learn all the different ways! See one that interests you? Sign up to get involved here for students in Infant – JuniorK. Elementary sign up coming soon! 

Join Parent Forum on Facebook

Have you joined the Parent Forum yet? This is a private Facebook group created specifically for SELA Parents to discuss events, express ideas, share fun family and SELA experiences and pictures, and much more! Email Marketing@suescuela.com to request to be added.


Become a Parent Ambassador for an Open House

SELA is always looking for parents who are interested in sharing their passion about the education that their child is receiving here. We are looking for parent ambassadors for SELA’s Oct, Nov, Dec, and Jan Open Houses and would appreciate your support!


Share Your Heritage during National Foreign Language Week March 6-10th 2023

Would you like to share your cultural heritage with the school or your child’s classroom? Each year during the first week of March, SELA invites parents to come into the school and give a presentation on their heritage in celebration of National Foreign Language Week.


Community Helper Week March 27-31st 2023

SELA invites parents in during Community Helper Week to present information about their career for the students.


Come Read at Parent Story Time or Participate in Craft Time

Parent Story and Craft Time are offered every month in each Infant – JuniorK classroom. During these times, parents are invited to come in and share a story with their child’s class in either Spanish or English; or participate in a particular craft activity. Sign-ups will be available monthly through the school newsletter.


Get Involved with the Parent Association (SEPA)

All SELA families are automatically members of the Parent Association and are invited to attend all meetings and participate in all events. SEPA is always looking for volunteers and new ideas. SEPA’s main goal is to strengthen the SELA community through fun family events. Meetings are held virtually as well as in person and all Are Welcome! This is a wonderful way to start getting involved with no/low commitment!

Come and learn more about SEPA and its opportunities at Orientation!


Room Parents

Become a room parent for your child’s classroom! Room parents help the Parent Association prepare activities for the school, as well as help to organize at least 1 SELA community building event. Room Parents are part of the Parent Association, and are required to attend at least 4 PA meetings throughout the school year.


Parent Connection

Are you new to SELA and looking for a family to connect with? The SELA Parent Connection is a committee of the Parent Association which reaches out and helps new families adjust to their child’s new learning environment. If you would like a member of our Parent Connection to reach out to your family, simply email selaparentsassociation@gmail.com to get connected!


Executive Board

President: Lauren Mahoney 

Vice President: Kim Stuckart 

Secretary: Beth McGrath

Treasurer: Alina Choo 

Committee Liaison: Justine St. Croix 


Upcoming Events

SELA Parent Association Meetings
Monthly SELA Parent Association Meetings rotate which location they will be at (Hingham or Norwell), as well as Zoom meetings. Each meeting starts at 7 pm
March: Tuesday 3/14 – Norwell
April: Tuesday 4/11 – Hingham
May: Tuesday 5/9 – Norwell


Feel free to email SEPA with any questions, suggestions, or concerns at selaparentsassociation@gmail.com.
